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Title:Think About Your Troubles
Artist(s):Harry Nilsson
Writer(s):  Harry Nilsson
Album:The Point

In many ways, 'Think About Your Troubles' is the most uplifting song included here. While it references death and acknowledges that we all have our respective set of problems, it puts a characteristically Nilsson spin on these otherwise gloomy topics. Your troubles, especially death, are merely part of a cycle that has been going long before and will continue long after the present.

This philosophy and the animated poetry of the song are not only nice to think about for those of us recently involved with troubling situations, but also serve as an appropriate illustration of Pat. His religious views, of course, did not extend much past the new-agey notion of an endless cycle. In addition, the light-hearted (but still pragmatic) approach to typically serious topics was one of Pat's greatest strengths.

Finally, I should mention why this song even came to mind in the first place. 'The Point' was, in my humble opinion, Harry Nilsson's second greatest creation--I was fortunate enough to have two fans as parents--and 'Think About Your Troubles' originates from this adventure. After first seeing the film version, my dad and I would often play a little game which would begin with a mock argument about what the point of some thing or other was, and end with the paradoxical but humorous line spoken by The Pointed Man, "All points are pointless!"


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