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Artist(s):The Beatles
Writer(s):   John Lennon/Paul McCartney
Album:The White Album

It's hard to think of any underrated Beatles songs, but I think 'Blackbird' qualifies. I've never heard it played on a radio, and only discovered it personally during the last couple of years. Like Dylan's 'Knocking on Heaven's Door' and Holler's 'Abraham, Martin and John', the lyrics and music are especially simple but the overall effect is simply gorgeous.

When George Harrison set off recently to that 'undiscover'd country, from whose bourn no traveler returns,' it occurred to me that few people, if asked, would be happy about their death if it were to happen in the next few minutes. Harrison, I'll wager, might have been one to say, "Okay, I'm ready." Similarly, I think my pop had a way of life and an outlook that would make such a sentiment quite likely from him. He would have been troubled about those of us in his wake having to carry on without his help, but I think he had no other apprehensions about being 'freed' in this way.


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