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Title:My City Was Gone
Artist(s):The Pretenders
Writer(s):  Chrissie Hynde
Album:Learning to Crawl

Though some of you will probably want to stone me for it (sorry, Uncle Mike!), I'm the one that introduced Pat to Mr. Rush Limbaugh's radio show during the last years of the Bush presidency. My dad quickly dwarfed my own interest in Rush by moving to full 'mega dittos' status in about three weeks, as I recall. I'm sure you all know the rest of the story.

This Chrissie Hynde song was chosen, for those that keep missing Rush's show, because it was his theme song for many ............... . It's an excellent song which talks roughly about change in the world. Though intended as a hit against big business and capitalistic development, Rush felt the song provided an interesting bit of irony, particularly the part about "A government that had no pride."

With Pat True in mind, this irony runs ever deeper. Though he was a staunch conservative in speech, he remained heavily concerned about the wilderness and animal rights along with some other left-leaning views (eg. religion).


All content is ©2001-2 by Jay Miller (save the song lyrics, of course).
For general concerns, please contact Jay Miller. For technical conerns, please contact Webmaster.